For those users of Android phones, here are some tips you can do to save your battery Android smart phones:

- Close all applications that are not used with the Back button
- Uninstall unnecessary applications. Because there are few applications that will perform automatic updates without us knowing it.
- If the push e-mail address is not required, turn off the Auto Sync feature in the settings Android. And if that is needed to synchronize manually, the trick is to go to Settings - Wireless & Networks - Mobile Networks, and then unmark the "Data Traffic"
- Turn off WiFi when not in use. On Android phones, even though you've closed the application, but Wifi is still able to walk and not be seen. And that's what makes the battery run out quickly. To ensure the application is closed, go to Settings - Application and select the applications you want on the lid or turn off
- Turn off the widget that does not need to save baterai. go to Sound & Display Settings, and then uncheck the Orientation, and the Animation set to "no animation". Do not forget to adjust the screen timeout value to shut down quickly and the screen backlight level on the Android smart phone.
- Download and install applications for Android Battery Manager. One of the applications that you can use is a Juice Defender in the Android Market. This application provides a wide selection of settings, ranging from normal, aggressive, for extreme accommodation to keep your android mobile phone batteries remain alive.
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