Windows Repair (All In One) Applications To Improve Windows XP, Vista, 7

Windows Repair is an all-in-one repair tool to help fix most problems that exist in Windows, including registry and file permissions errors and problems with Internet Explorer, Windows Update, Windows Firewall and more. And installed a malware program can change your default settings. With - Windows Repair you can restore your Windows settings as before.
Windows Repair can be used for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Repair Windows buffer doing the following points:
- Reset Registry Permissions
- Reset File Permissions
- Register System Files
- Repair WMI
- Repair Windows Firewall
- Repair Internet Explorer
- Repair MDAC & MS Jet
- Repair Hosts File
- Remove Policies Set By Infections
- Repair Icons
- Repair Winsock & DNS Cache
- Remove Temp Files
- Repair Proxy Settings
- Unhide Non System Files
- Repair Windows Updates

When you first run the Repair Windows program, you will be introduced to four steps before the repair option. These steps are highly recommended to do before attempting repairs.

Step 1. Clean Your System Of Infections
Before doing the repair windows, it must be ensured that the computer is free of viruses or malware. Because if the computer is still infected with the virus, the repair likely would not work, could even be worse. To ensure a clean computer, recommended three courses:

- Malwarebytes (free scanner for malware / viruses)
- TDDS Rootkit Remover
- Microsoft Security Essentials (Antivirus free from Microsoft)

Step 2. Check File System
Checking File System Windows of Error. This step will make Check Disk (CHKDSK) and will be done after restarting your computer first. Just click the button "Do it" in Step 2 if you want to check the disk.

Step 3. System File Check (SFC)
Check windows system files will likely have a defective, error or not the same version. This step can sometimes overcome the problem of windows.

Step 4. System Restore
Creating a new system restore (Create) or open the system is already saved by clicking "Restore"

Start Repairs
In this last step you can choose between 3 modes.
Basic Mode: This will run only the most basic, safe repair options. Extra repair sophisticated disabled.
Advanced Mode: Running repairs ahead and leave some disabled.
Custom Mode: Any fixes available. The program will remember your repair
option when you choose a custom mode.

Here is an explanation of the Windows Repair
  • Reset Registry Permissions: Restoring registry permissions problem to its original state. Done in case of problems such as failing to install software, windows update fails, the registry is not accessible and others. This process may take a little longer, depending on the number of registry and the CPU
  • Reset File Permissions, this step will restore the file permissions problems by giving full permissions on the C drive for administrator, system and registered users. Done in case of problems such as: can not install applications, updates, program error, no roads and other services
  • Register System Files, will enroll (register) the various DLLs and OCX files in the folder system32 and SysWOW64. This is done if there is a problem in terms of registering the files in the Windows system folder.
  • WMI Repair, fix the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is used by a variety of other applications such as Windows Firewall and Windows Action Center
  • Repair the Windows Firewall, to repair windows firewaall useful to prevent connections from outside to the computer without our knowledge
  • Repair of Internet Explorer, to fix the error if IE is still using this browser
  • Repair MS MDAC & Jet, to improve if the program or database applications that require MDAC and MS Jet problematic.
  • Hosts File Repair, fix the hosts file sometimes changed or edited by a virus (malware).
  • Remove Policies Set By Infections, returns to the beginning of a variety of settings, such as Task Manager can not run, missing desktop display, no roads and other exe. Suitable for repair after the computer is infected with a virus
  • Repair Icons, if the view is icon is not true or just a blank or white only, select this improvement.
  • Repair the Winsock & DNS Cache, to fix the connection problem or damaged tissue. As such we can not connect to the network or the Internet but had no problem
  • Remove Temp Files, more toward cleaning windows by deleting the temporary files that are not used anymore (temporary files), sometimes the virus is also located at this location
  • Proxy Settings Repair, Fix problems proxy (proxy will be turned off), such as we are not able to connect to certain websites
  • Non Unhide System Files, will display the files windows are hidden by the virus / malware that ought not the file system.
  • Repair Windows Update, untuk memperbaiki jika windows update tidak bisa berjalan semestinya

Click below to get a Windows Repair (All In One)

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Download Mozilla Firefox 7

Mozilla has just launched its latest Firefox update, Firefox 7. Promise, this version is lighter in terms of memory consumption. Mozilla promises some improvements to the newest version of the popular browser Firefox. One of them is done through a project called MemShrink that is believed to reduce Firefox memory consumption of 20 to 50 percent. If true, this would speed up the browser's performance and reduce the possibility of crashes.

Besides the memory consumption problem, version 7 is promised to be faster when it starts (startup time). Peningkatnya called quite significantly, from 8 seconds to go down to 5 seconds. Of course depends on the system used a user.

Other things that were promised, including support for HTML5 content. Including, support for using aid acceleration from the graphics card when running on the HTML5 Canvas.

Then, there is support for navigation timing specification from the W3C. This allows developers to measure the loading time of websites on the usage scenario is different.

While from the side view, one of the highlights is the removal of "http://" at the time of displaying the web address. It previously had done the Google Chrome.


Download Firefox 7:

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Is the Advantage Windows 8?

Microsoft has just launched its latest Windows 8 as a platform for the tablet computer. Features of this operating system include the user interface, called Metro, touch screen support, improved performance and a Windows app store.
There are at least four excellent features offered by Windows 8 of them:

  1. Windows 8 is not only able to work on laptops and desktops, but more importantly, can function on a tablet. This is what distinguishes the Windows OS 8 with the previous one. In addition, Microsoft also introduced the Metro in the Windows interface 8 which previously had been introduced in Windows Phone. Windows 8 has been designed for touch screens with ARM based processors. Currently smartphones and tablets run with ARM technology.
  2. Windows 8 promises faster performance. This is done by reducing the memory footprint, shorter boot time in less than 8 seconds. OS is also supported by USB 3.0 and Hyper-V so that it can work as fast as IOS and Mac OS X Lion. Mashable writes, many people may be surprised by the rapid performance of Windows 8.
  3. The Windows App Store will create opportunities for Metro applications.
  4. Windows 8 is equipped with a screen. Although it can still run with a keyboard and mouse, but the user interface with touch-screen Metro will be the future of Windows 8.
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Definisi Software dan contohnya

Software merupakan kode program yang disusun sedemikian rupa secara sistematis untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Pada setiap sistem komputer harus terdapat software karena tanpa software interaksi antara brainware dengan hardware tidak memungkinkan. Dari segi fungsinya software dapat dikelompokkan kedalam:
1. Sistem operasi (operating system)
Sistem operasi merupakan software yang digunakan untuk mengelola sumber daya – sumber daya (resources) komputer. Dari segi pengaksesannya software sistem operasi dapat dibagi atas dua bagian yaitu:
  • sistem operasi server
  • sistem operasi client
2. Bahasa pemrograman (programming language)
Software yang digunakan untuk merancang software-software pada suatu sistem komputer. Dari segi kemiripannya dengan bahasa manusia, software bahasa pemrograman dapat dikelompokkkan kedalam:

  • bahasa pemrograman tingkat rendah, cth : bahasa mesin
  • bahasa pemrograman tingkat menengah, cth : bahasa assembly
  • bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi, cth : bahasa pascal, c, prolog, fortran, cobol
  • bahasa pemrograman tingkat sangat tinggi, cth : visual basic, delphi, foxpro, visual c++
Dari struktur datanya, bahasa pemrograman juga dapat dikelompokkan kedalam:
  • bahasa pemrograman terstruktur, cth : pascal, c, cobol
  • bahasa pemrograman berbasis obyek, cth : visual basic, visual C#, visual c++, visual web developer
  • bahasa pemrograman tidak terstruktur, cth : Structured Query Language
3. Aplikasi (application)
Software yang dibentuk untuk menjalankan fungsi tertentu seperti pengolahan kata, angka, presentasi, animasi, multimedia dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan fungsinya aplikasi dapat dikelompokkan kedalam:
  • aplikasi pengolah kata (word processing application), cth : Microsfot Word
  • aplikasi pengolah data (database processing application), cth : Microsfot Access
  • aplikasi pengolah angka (numerical processing application), cth : Microsfot Excel
  • aplikasi pengolah gambar (image processing application), cth : Photoshop
  • aplikasi pengolah animasi (animation processing application), cth : Flash
  • aplikasi pengolah suara (audio processing application), cth : Jet Audio
  • aplikasi pengolah multimedia (multimedia processing application), cth : 3D Max
  • aplikasi pengolah presentasi (presentation processing application), cth : Microsfot Power Point
  • aplikasi pengolah statistik (statistic processing application), cth : SPSS
  • aplikasi pengolah matematika (mathematic processing application), cth : Matlab
  • dsb
4. Utiliti (Utility)
Software yang digunakan untuk mendayagunakan fungsi-fungsi komputer dan fungsinya sangat spesifik seperti register, defragmenter, norton utiliti dan sebagainya.

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Avira Premium Security Suite Full License

Avira Premium Security Suite License Until March 2012. Do you bank or shop online? Or do you share your computer with other people in your household – your partner or children? Answer “yes” to either of these questions and there’s no discussion. Get Avira Premium Security Suite For Free, then relax. Your private financial details, important files and precious photos are totally safe.

Avira Premium Security Suite protects you with 15 different security technologies, including an extra firewall. More than that, it keeps your children safer online with ParentalControl. And includes a handy BackupSystem

  • Rely on the internet for everything
  • Regularly shop and buy from online retailers, or bid on auction sites
  • Ever access your bank or financial accounts online
  • Chat, communicate and social network constantly
  • Share your computer with your partner or other family members
  • Worry about keeping your precious family memories safe – all those photos and movies stored on your PC
  • Are concerned about what your children might see and do online

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