This tweak is safe and proven software that does not cause side effects on other programs that exist in your windows. Every tweak just give a small performance boost. But they all add speed, so much the performance of Windows that you will get.

Simple Performance Boost can run on Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8, 2008
There are 4 view (tab) provided: Welcome, General Tweaks, Tweaks Networking & Service and Visual Tweaks. Start of Welcome, we can just click Next, Next to the end and kQ Apply Tweak it, after that restart and see how the optimization that we get. But here are some general explanation of each tab are available:
- Welcome, contains only preliminary only, and the "Open Backup File Location" to restore the settings to a previous state through a data backup that was made.
- General Tweaks, contains various general optimization, from memory, the Boot / Shutdown, files or hard disk optimization, as well as some other optimizations. Illustrate the details of each option can be found at the bottom when the cursor / mouse is moved on the option.
- Networking Tweaks: contains the optimization associated with the network (network). Service Tweaks: contains optimization service windows such as: disable pengindex activate the search (which just worsens the performance of the system), help services, and other
- Visual Tweaks: unbiased optimization-related problems or the effects of display windows. If you want high performance and does not require a display and a variety of effects here is optimization.
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