By default Defragmenter utility in Windows can be accessed via the "Control Panel - System Security - Administrative Tools - Defragment your hard drive". Unfortunately, this utility is quite far to reach or be remembered by many computer users. The solution is to put it into a defragmenter utility menu. That way users can access it by right clicking the mouse. To perform the configuration on that you can access Regedit tool.
Next after you enter Regedit navigate the mouse to access the folder HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Drive \ shell and create a new key. The trick right click on the right window and select "New - Key".
Then give the name of that key with the name "runas" and give the value (Default) is to "Defragment".
Then create a new key under "runas" by name "command" and then give the value (Default) in the form of "defrag% 1 -1-u".
Now close the regedit window. After that you can try to right click the mouse on one of the drives contained in the computer. The result will appear context menu "defragmenter" there.

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