Search Files With Hidden File Tool Full Serial v2.0

Hidden Benefits of File Tool
  1. Maybe some of us still do not quite understand what the real benefits of using this software. Here I give examples of some of these, with this software can help:
  2. Restore a file or folder that previously had "lost" because the virus (missing in the sense of hidden).
  3. Usually the virus will replace the files or important data in the flash with the virus and hide the original file or folder. If the flash capacity is low but not seen any data or more data is suddenly lost, we can try to use the HFT to display hidden files (select the Hidden attribute when searching). Once found we can display it again by selecting the files / folders that appear in the search results list, then on the Set Attribute remove all check marks and click APPLY. Description of the success or failure will be displayed in the column caption
  4. With a similar technique as above, we can set to be a hidden file or folder, how to select the file / folder from the list / search results and from the menu select Hidden Attribute Set (could also choose System, and Read only), then click APPLY
  5. If we want to look for files with certain extensions only, at the filter input file extension. If more than one separated by a semicolon (;), for example: *. Txt; *. Rtf; *. Doc.

Note : Add Google+
Type : Shareware
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Type File : .RAR

Download Link

Download Hidden File Tool 2.0 ( 36 KB) - click here or click here


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