PuTTy SSH Client + Key

PuTTy SSH Client + Key
This is another attempt of writing 3-minutes Linux guide. This round, it’s about how to setup or configure SSH Local Port Forwarding in 3 minutes (or maybe less)! Why using SSH port forwarding? In brief, SSH port forwarding easily provides a secured tunnel for those insecure or unencrypted TCP connections, such as rcp, POP3, VNC, etc.

SSH Port Forwarding Configuration
Visualize SSH Port Forwarding that encrypting insecure TCP connection with SSH tunnel, i.e. via SSH protocol!
Visualize SSH Port Forwarding that encrypting insecure TCP connection with SSH tunnel, i.e. via SSH protocol!

Suppose that Walker-A ( and Walker-B ( are both running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in the office data centre. Walker-C ( is a desktop PC running on Windows Vista Ultimate with Putty SSH client (Windows Vista compatible networking freeware).

Let’s say Walker-A is running Real VNC server that listening to its local port 5907. As you probably know that the default Real VNC connection is not secured or encrypted, i.e. login ID and password for VNC server authentication can be easily trapped or cracked by network sniffers.

So, the SSH Local Port Forwarding is setup to secure this unencrypted VNC connection from Walker-B (Linux) or Walker-C (Vista) to Walker-A.

Download PuTTy SSH Client + Key


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