Fixing HDD Bad Sector

When important data on your hard drive has been successfully saved, the next step is to overcome or fix bad sector hard drive there. While not all bad sectors can be improved (especially if it's why physical damage), to bad sectors that light, we can overcome with one of the following ways:

  • Scan Disk Using the default Windows tools. To drive in addition to the operating system (eg drive D:, E: etc.), we can just right-click the driver via Windows Explorer> Properties and from the Tools tab, the Error-checking click Check Now ..
  • Other than through the Windows Explorer we can also directly through the command prompt (DOS) memalui command ChkDsk /R X: (please replace the X with the drive that you want to fix / check if there are bad sectors it).
  • Full format of the drive (remember, when a full format, then the data in it will be lost and may not be in recovery again), either through windows or by software such as Easeus Partition Master. With software such as EASEUS process faster
  • When the Scandisk or Full format also can not remove bad sectors, we can use the Low Level Format (effect data will not be in recovery again). Low level format with this software can only be for a single hard disk, not per drive, so that the entire contents of hard drives will be in the "putihkan" aka really dikosongi again.
  • Using the software "advanced" DOS-based, such as Active Kill Disk, HDAT2, DiskWipe, MHDD and so on. For those not familiar with disk problems, may need to guide the more familiar use of such software.
  • Using the software maker built the hard drive. Can be checked directly on the website such as hard drive makers Seagate, Western Digital, Maxtor, Hitachi, Samsung and others.

In this way, two PCs are my important data service successful in recovery. For a desktop computer hard drive, with a full format of plain bad sectors can be lost, while untul notebook hard drive, due to bad sectors seem quite severe and very much, finally not be repaired anymore, so it must be replace with a new hard drive.
When some ways above the hard drive still remains defective or there are bad sectors, the possibility of hard drive damage is severe (could be damage to the surface / physical), and it seems like it should be replace with a new hard drive. Hopefully the above tips can help some who are experiencing problems or bad sectors as additional information for us, if any input, questions about this issue please be submitted via the comments or direct email.


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